Monday 8 June 2015

Harry's Christening pictures

 Hello everyone who pops in i just thought i would post some pictures of
 Harry's Christening on 7th June.He was all bewildered love him.
Harry with Mum & Dad
 Lisa Darren & Harry
 Alfie me Joseph Lisa Darren Harry Ian ( my son-in-law) my three lovely grandson's all together.
Granddad Terry with Harry
 Me with Harry
 Hubby & me ( i hate my photo taken )
Christening cake my daughter Lisa made.

Thank you all for looking in Love & Hug's Lynda xx


  1. Brilliant photos but where is Harry's beautiful smile gone? He's usually full if smiles??? Must have all been to much for him, you have a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing this special day with us. Hazel x

    1. Thank you Hazel,yes i think Harry was all bewildered with so much going on everyone wanted to cuddle him & he is teething badly.
      Shame Darren just sent me two pictures of him in his outfit before they left home & he is smiling not sure if i can add the on this post.
      I hope your having a good day'
      Hug's Lynda xx.

  2. Gorgeous photos Lynda, Harry looks so cute. What a good looking family you have there, so many handsome young men. And the proud grandmother looks fine to me. xxx

    1. Thank you so much Cheryl,your so kind,before i left home i thought i looked ok but seeing the pictures a beach whale comes to mind Haha
      i do hate having my picture taken.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Super pictures Lynda your little Harry looks charming bless him so lovely to see your lovely and good looking family, the cake looks super too. Hope you all had a great day and enjoyed the very happy occasion.
    Margaret xxx.

    1. Thank you so much Margaret,there is a story about the cake i should have told you in my Email.
      We all had a lovely day even if my little prince wasn't a smiley prince he was still lovely.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  4. ooooooh ,aaaaaaah oh Lynda, you and the rest of the family look absolutely fantastic. Harry poor thing with his teething going on did a good job to be such a nice boy on the day. Great photo with you and the young boy's together and you and Terry don't look bad either :-)
    Yummy cake, sure it tasted fantastic !
    My dear little B.whale Take care and you will not have anything cut off, not yet anyway hihi
    Love to you and Terry ! Cuddles to Harry,
    hugs Hippo xxx

    1. Oh Maria,thank you for your lovely words.
      We didn't get to taste the cake as they didn't cut it at the hall,Lisa had a text from Sam saying it was lovely & her mum dad & sisters had eaten it all.Boo hoo. So hope we will get a piece of his birthday cake on his birthday Friday.
      Maria your like a little swan.
      love Lynda xx Terry xx

  5. Hi Lynda, How lovely to see your family photos, and your three grandsons are all charmers!! I also hate having my photo taken, always have, and if beached whale comes to your mind you are doing yourself an injustice - now, wrinkly old beach whale is more my label!!
    Love Maureen xxx

  6. Haha Maureen I don't think for one minute you look like a wrinkle old beach whale,I can imagine you look a refined & lovely lady x
    Thank you for your lovely comments.
    Love Lynda xx
